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Friday, November 27, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Is venting a good way to move on? how long should it take to move on?
Venting is good at first when you are first
dealing the wounds of something or someone that hurt you. Talking to your therapist about the situation is a good idea. He/she can help you come up with a plan to process what happened in a healthy way, so eventually you can accept it and move forwards in live.
There is no set sit for long how something should take to move on from, whether it be a break-up, death, job loss, a fight, etc. Everyone is emotionally different. But it is important at a certain point, as I said, to talk to a therapist, and work on moving on.
Venting is a good way to release your
emotions but it's not a good way to move on. You see, moving on take a long time. It depends on the experience you want to move on from though. For example, you want to move on from a certain person that hurt you much but you can't because you still remember the great times you share together. If you experience that, make sure to forgive the person but never forget because if you do you'll also forget the great times you had experienced.
However this could start to make you resent your ex-partner, if you're constantly venting about things that have upset you that they did. Overall I would say that venting is a good way to move on, because you're getting everything
off your chest and the person you're venting to is able to show you support. In my opinion,I would say that it takes atleast four months to even start to get over someone, that's if you even do. Sometimes you never get over
somebody, if the relationship was very real and an emotional connection was made, sometimes you just learn to live without them in your life, and learn how to be happy without them.
It is very important to express our
emotions in a calm, healthy way rather than letting them simmer and explode later on. So venting has potential for lessening uncontrolled outbursts later. However, venting also has the potential to reinforce negative thoughts or beliefs if we give it that power. It's all in what you do with it.
In short - Yes, vent! Make sure you have a solid grasp on objective thoughts, even if you aren't thinking them, and know that your situation is not hopeless.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Monday, November 23, 2015
Best friends can never live without each other...
Why is love so unfair?
Love can sometimes be unfair, just like
anything else in life. I had to go through a
multitude of different relationship until I found the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and I learned that love, like any relationship, isn't always 50/50. Sometimes we don't always know exactly what we want. Sometimes we feel like curling up in a ball and shutting out the world, whereas other times we just want to reach out and hug someone. Love is about understanding, and being there for the person you love even if
they're not giving you their whole heart in that very moment. It's part of the human
experience, and it's part of growing up.
We all need love and companion to spend life together. We always look for someone to give our hearts with an expectation that someone will never break our hearts. When our expectations are broken, our lives fall apart. This love is conditional. But real love is unconditional. The truth of life is that we
never know when someone enters in our lives and never go or someone enters in our lives to break our hearts. Those who promise more hurt more. Coincidence decides to whom you meet in life. Your heart and mind decide with whom you want to stay in life. But only destiny decides who gets to stay in your life.
If someone is unfair to you, disrespect you and your feelings, then you don't deserve that person. Just let go. You will get a person you deserve the most. Be open, considerate and move on.
Everybody has different feelings. It is obvious that sometimes our feelings don't match with others. You shouldn't count that as unfair, it is just the way it always happens. Try to find someone who loves you for who you really are, that will make you understand that actually love is fair.
Love can be wonderful, life affirming, and
enriching to all of us, but without the low
points, the high points become meaningless. Don't let the low points skew your view of
Friday, November 20, 2015
Why do breakups become like a life or death situation sometimes?
In a breakup we usually lose someone we care deeply about and someone who's been our friend for a very long time. We naturally grow attached to them and over time change our routines to match theirs. A breakup means another change, but sometimes a very sudden and unexpected one, which makes us feel that our world as we know it has come to
an end.
When I went through my last breakup, I didn't know what to do because she was so important to me that I literally felt as though I could not continue without her. Obviously I'm still here and did not die, but the emotions become very real
and painful very quickly.
It's when you give all of you to the
relationship that makes you think you're whole world revolve around it. That's why when you experience a breakup, your created world collapses with it. You ask your self if you want to live, and build a new world again or not, just end it and be succumbed by emotions.
Breakups are hard to get through, when you fall in love that person is your entire world, there someone your never forget. Just remember all the good times you had together.
I had gone through the same and its because the person you love become your life but you never know about the life or the situation. So after a breakup the only thing you can think is your EX, nothing else and its like that you
cannot live without that person we start
thinking that death is the only solution. But it's not, because even after death we cannot get that person back in our life or we are not sure that how that person will react...?
What's the best way to stop heartbreak?
Heart break is inevitable, but let yourself feel it and not for too long. Slowly adjust back to your routine. You'll never be able to forget it, but you will be able to heal. You won't feel like this every day for the rest of your life, remember that.
Also, you have to gradually try to move on, even though it sounds corny and cliche there are plenty of fish out in the sea there, so you will find the right guy/girl, no worries! And you have to remember that even though the heartbreaks there now and its hurting a lot now, time will heal it. Plus, you have to
remember the reason why you two broke up in the first place, so just stay positive.
Acknowledge your heartbreak. Feel the
emotions as they come to you and express them, process them. Unfortunately, you can't put it off or distract yourself from it. It must
be faced, addressed, and then you will find your way to healing.
There are tons of things you can do that
might help. Simply just being around people who you love is one of many, friends, family, whoever it might be. Try distracting yourself from the thoughts about that person that may come to mind. And in doing that, make sure
you are doing things that you enjoy and make you happy. Focus on yourself for a bit. Heartbreak takes time but you will get through it, also do not beat yourself up if you feel like you are taking awhile to heal, everyone is different in their healing process.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
What are some things you can do to cope with a breakup?
You can try to distract yourself by hanging with friends. You can write down all the reasons why this was meant to happen and maybe its for the best. Maybe try to find someone else to get you mind off of it. Or you can do stuff that's fun to distract you from the sad.
Do these things to forget your past :
1. Find a new hobby what your really
interested in,
2. Hang around with your friends more, i know you probably feel sad about the
breakup and don't want to be around others but friends really do make things feel as if there going to be okay.
3. Don't think about it to much, try stay active all the time to keep your mind from thinking about him/her.
4. Try carry on as normal and focus on the things you love hope this helps.
First, be mindful of the different stages of
grief. Anger, Bargaining, etc. All of these
stages play a vital role in your own progress. If you are feeling a specific emotion or way, go with it and allow yourself to go through grief. Make yourself as comfortable as possible throughout the process and little by
little try to adjust your lifestyle and your
habits according to what works for you.
First and foremost, CRY IT OUT! Let yourself feel. Let yourself be sad, angry, throw a pillow, scream, punch your mattress, do what you have to do until every emotion is out of your system. Once that's taken care of, get a makeover. Find something about your
appearance that you'd like to change, whether it's dying your hair, changing your makeup style, focusing on fitness, what have you, and change it. Not for them, but for yourself. From personal experience, changing my hair makes
me happy. Playing with makeup makes me happy. Exercise can NEVER do you wrong.
Find a new hobby! Learn a new skill, and get into something new! BURY YOURSELF in work.Set a goal for yourself, and push until you get there. Set smaller goals on the way to the big goal. If it's financially feasible, TRAVEL! Go somewhere else for a little bit! Pet an animal, like a dog or a cat. It can be a random dog on the street (assuming it's friendly and is okay being pet by strangers), a friend's dog or cat, anything. It'll soothe you. Dogs are such happy creatures it's contagious. Watch a horrible, yet funny film show or movie. Allow yourself to laugh. Before you know it, you'll be over it.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Will these feelings last forever?
No feelings last forever, whether we are
talking about negative or positive "feelings". These "feelings" can and will change and that is okay and normal. This is true from feelings of sadness and even love. In the case of love as an example, we must choose to accept someone and love them regardless of flaws, the "feelings" of in love might come and go,
but when you choose to love someone, as
long as you are not in an unhealthy scenario of course that might be a close a definition of "true love" as we can muster without incorporating peoples perceptions. If you are feeling something else, perhaps something we assign a negative connotation to take heart that the feeling is not a permanent one, if just that little bit helps than than you are doing great.
Also, the feelings will remain, you will just become adaptable as time passes. It might be possible that they won't last long. The thing is you will be over them, just give them some time.
Everybody is different in the ways they think and feel or can handle a thought or a situation. Finding the "Right" type of help is a good route to take whether it be in the form of therapy, counseling, coping mechanisms, medications or the combination of all.
Feelings come and go, but all feelings are
worth it, whether they are good or bad. Just focus on being in the now and focus on how you feel and staying content with how you feel also.
Sometimes we just need sometime to heal, other times we need to talk to
someone and express our thoughts, and other times we may need to seek professional help.
Things can always get better. Don't lose your hope.
What is the best way to stop caring about someone who doesn't care about you!!
First, you must recognize that you're
attachment to another is amplified by the
insecurities you harbor. You must accept this, and then you must forgive yourself. Instead of trying to gain the approval of another, approve of yourself, and practice loving yourself with positive affirmations and positive imagination. Once you fully accept and love yourself, the approval of another will have little to no effect on your peace of mind, and your deepest
desires will attract to you magnetically.
Also, we cannot stop thinking about someone that easily, but time brings the change. Every human is unique and we cannot always expect the same thing from others in return as we do. Accept the reality that, those who doesn't care for you are not really worth for you. You deserve better in all possible ways.
Say this to yourself everyday when you wake up from bed. Good things happen tho those who do good to others, and let you wait patiently till you find someone who cares you so much than you ever do. May god help to those who help themselves in getting out of this pain.
Time is the only way to heal completely. It is impossible to automatically stop caring about someone. However distractions can help. Remember that every second you spend focusing on the person who doesn't care about you is letting them have control over
your thoughts and feelings.
By discovering yourself, when you discover your talents, you have time to focus on you and that is, how you realize you are worth more than that person that makes you stop caring for them and start taking care of yourself.
The best way is to stop focussing on them and focus on you! Take up a class, start a new hobby, reunite with friends you haven't seen in a long time. The more you do for yourself, the more you'll begin to realise what's really important to you.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Is it okay, to be Single forever?
Yes, it is completely fine to be single forever. As much as everyone wants their lives to have a "Happily ever after", it generally doesn't happen. A large amount of people in the world remain single forever, yet they can be some of the happiest people alive. With a strong group of friends, family and possibly a pet, being single forever is not a bad thing, and is most certainly okay.
Personally, I think it is okay to be single because being single is much better than being in a wrong relationship.
Also, Humans are not be meant to live alone. But there are much going in this world now. Many people are living with a family that can cause nothing but pain to them. That's why more and more people are trying to live single and alone forever. But living single is a choice you can make only if you don't have any other
option left. So, before taking that decision, be sure that there is none waiting for you to be in their life desperately or none loves you
more than yourself. If you are sure that there is no one made for you, just for you, then you can take the decision to stay single forever. May you be blessed with someone who would love you more than yourself.
Single can have it's benefits. You may find you are more outgoing, socially involved and have a wider social network. When in a relationship you tend to spend much of your time with your partner or family, losing some connections and letting others go dormant.
Most people equate having a partner with
being desirable and happy. Some even base their own self worth on whether or not they have a relationship. This isn't healthy and no one should desire a relationship for this reason. It has been said that you must love yourself to love others and I believe this to be true. Relationships aren't simple, they flesh
out new insecurities in people and show the character flaws of each person. If you are single and happy, good for you! If you are single and unhappy, don't believe that a partner will change any perceptions you have of yourself.
So, It's okay to be single forever.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Why do I always feel useless and unloved after breakup?
Breakups are extremely difficult because they are a time of transition. Though transition can be really good, it is often uncomfortable. When we are in a relationship, we often find our self identity. After experiencing a breakup, we have to learn how to re-adjust life. It's basically not an easy thing. Sometimes, we may feel useless and unloved within ourselves. But once you changed your perspective and learn to love yourself for who you are, and not relationship you are in, the gray cloud lifts.
Breaking up with someone, even if amicably done, can trigger feeling of "unworthiness" because the person whom you loved no longer wants to be your main focus.
Breakups are always hard because it can
never be ended with the words 'I want to
break up', there is always the question of
why? Is it something that you did? Is there something wrong with you? You were once close to someone and it is hard to back away from that closeness.
But it doesn't mean that you are unloved and useless. Should you be struggling to move forward from a break-up, It may help you to think about things more clearly and more rationally about the
break-up, rather than thinking in terms of how the relationship reflects you as a person.
Also, you will may feel that way because you have parted with probably a big part of your life. They most likely have given you a lot to remember and loseing that may be won't have a positive impact on your feelings.
We cant take the time to regain our
self-worth, and establish our worthiness from within! It just takes a bit of time and some healing.
Wishing you all the best! Always.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Why does love and breakup hurt so much?
Nobody likes goodbye. It's important to acknowledge that all relationships are meaningful to a degree. When we choose a romantic one, we implicitly say to ourselves, "this person could possibly be someone I spend the rest of my life loving" The most important thing after a breakup is, when life goes on, is to not let it affect our behavior negatively. A weak person will hold his past within himself and make him always sad. Whereas, a strong person will move on towards his future and start a new life.
When we fall in love, we tend to give our all to our partner. So when they hurt or leave us, our body and soul dies. This pain is unexplainable. It feels as if part of you is missing.
Breaking up with somebody causes a chemical reaction mentally that is similar to grief. So really, we are grieving the loss of the person, whom we loved more more than our life.
Breakup hurts, because your other half is no longer with you. And you have to act like that nothing happens. It feels that all of our time, effort put into someone else has been thrown away.
Break up hurts so much, because we as a
human being we mostly love the things that makes us happy and avoid things that makes us sad. So, we are always ready to take happy things like falling in love, gifts, party, kiss etc. When we fall in love, it gives us all the happiness, we never imagine about negative side of it like arguments, restriction etc. Hence, when breakup is taking away all the
joy that the relationship gave we feel
completely broken, and we feel more
emotional than ever. We also take more time to move on because that breakup gives you fear about relationship in general, so even if we think about falling love in again, the memories we had in the past relationship won't let us to. But we should remember that this pain is not permanent and it will take us high in our life. So try to move on. Forget your past and make your future best.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Why is it so hard to stop loving the person, who is not good for you!!
We all believe in love, and we all want to love and be loved in return. It is hard to stop loving a person who isn't good enough for you, because you think that you can change them.
Love is the most powerful and complex emotion a person can experience. If fills your body with all kinds of feel-good hormones and changes the way you think in a profound way. You'll cling to the person, who gave you that feeling no matter how they treat you or what they do.
Loving gives us a pleasure. It's sometimes the ultimate tonic and sweet poison. The experience we feel when we are in love are not common in our usual life. These experiences provides us weird pleasure. Most people are in love with the feeling of being in love.
There is often a disconnect between what the heart wants and what the brain needs. At the core of this issue, is fear of change. It is natural to fear a breakup from even an unsavory person, as change is frightening to most people.
Also, love is always tough. You can't control what your heart holds. Secondly, it's hard to stop loving someone, because we invest ourselves so much into them. We make time for them and we trust them and we make them a part of our life, and at the end letting all this go away is not easy.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Love at first sight is a dangerous thing.
Love at first sight is a dangerous thing :
We are living in the modern world where we rushed to work, fast food. We race from one activity to the next. And we hardly stop to breath.
With such a fast pace, we have become a impatient culture. We want everything to happen right way. We want overnight shipping, instant video streaming. Also we demand the highest speed internet.
Can it also be said we expect love should come as quickly and easily? Do too many of us, who have been born in this fast paced world, think love at first sight is a new norm?
Love at first sight is a very dangerous thing because, we don't have time to evaluate about that person.
1. We don't have time to test character :
When we rush into a relationship, we may not take the time to really get to know the person, especially their inner qualities. If we don't take the time to test another character, we may get into difficult or some serious situations.
2. We neglect a solid foundation of friendship :
When a couple jumps into a relationship based on feelings and physical attraction, that often comes at the detriment of forming a friendship first.
3. We have a false euphoria :
The love at first sight mentality makes us think our relationship is special and different from others. It makes us believe that our love is invincible, and that it will last forever without much effort. Such euphoria ignores the hard work that it takes to make a relationship for the long haul.
4. We get caught up in feelings :
Everyone enjoys the physical rush of the new relationship, and its all too easy to get caught up in those tingling, wonderful emotions and let them dictate our actions instead of operating with sound logic and thinking.
So from this you understand that, love at first sight is a dangerous thing. So think and love.
Reasons, why I love you!! & Relationship tips!!
Reasons, why I love you!!
1. I love the way you keep your cool whenever I do stupid things.
2. I love the fact, that I have met you during the craziest time of my life and you changed it all in just a milli-second.
3. You are so adorable.
4. You memorized my phone number. I don't even remember it.
5. Thank you for stupid enough for not leaving me, when all I do is hurt you.
6. I love your smile, seriously do.
7. Because you never gave up.
8. You worry about me.
9. You are good for my future kids.
10. You are funny in your own little way.
11. When I first saw you, I saw love.
12. You inspire me to do study/work harder.
13. You know I can't talk without you.
14. I never met anyone like you in my life.
15. Hundreds of good people out there are chasing after you, but you chose to be with me instead.
Best Relationship Tips :
Always keep yourself and your partner in relationship happy. If you show that you are genuinely happy to have him/her as your best partner, it will make a world of difference to the relationship. Also stay faithful in your relationship. If you really do not want to hurt your partner, and want to keep him happy always, don't cheat or lie to him
Don't be over possessive. Everyone has their own world. Over possessiveness may be harmful to your relationship.
Honesty is very important in a relationship. Even, if you think your lie is
for the better, think about it in the long run.
Trust is earned not demanded. Successful marriages and relationships are built on the foundation of undisputed trust. If you really want your spouse to trust you, you've to work for it and prove through actions that you can he trusted.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
5 Reasons for Relationship breakup!!
The root cause of breakup of a relationship is the selfishness that erupts in the heart. Here are the most reasons, as to why marriages/relationship breakup:
1. Physical/Mental abuse :
This is one of the major factor which finally bring about breakup in relationship. This is caused by the sadistic attitude of one the partners which was kept covered up before a marriage.
2. Attraction towards another of the opposite gender :
This happens because of one spouse
does not give time enough for his/her partner. Also lack of communication between the couples is also a main reason for breakup. This should be avoided.
3. Cheating and infidelity :
When a spouse begin to get attracted towards an unmarried person or one who is married, intimate relationship between the two ends up in infidelity.
4. Jealousy in relationship :
Jealousy can cause more devastations in a relationship/marriage. A man or woman may feel that he/she is getting less attention from his/her partner. Jealousy in realtionship can trigger a breakup in relationship.
5. Repeated lying :
A spouse or a partner may habitually tell lies to his/her spouse/partner. In such cases the right picture is never clear to the spouse/partner. A constant attitude of lying will break the relationship and hurts badly. Sometimes the arguments go out of control and they shout at each other, throw something at each other, abuse at each other.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Easy way to understand a girl!!
Understanding a girl isn't easy. But, it isn't impossible. It just takes time, and its up to you or whether or not you're willing to take the time to get the girl or not. If she's worth it, you would take the time to figure her out. And no, it doesn't take a short period of time to know anything that's worth knowing about a girl.
Also, it will take a million of conversation, thousands of text messages, hundreds of phone calls, even during arguments will make you find more about her.
Make sure you catch every detail, because she might test you later on to see if you remember things about her, girls like to do that. The truth is, you might never understand her, but you'll understand the things that matter. And if she matters, she is worth understanding!!
If you learn to understand a girl, she will love you more than you expect.
There will always be a reason, why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or you are the one that
will change their life.
True Relationship is not about blaming each other, it's about forgiving each other.
When in a relationship, it's not about the labels or becoming official. It's about getting to know about someone well enough to develop genuine feelings for them. It's about being understanding and forgiving when situations are at their worst.
A real man will love only his girl in million ways. She is the world for him, she is the only star in his earth. He will make her happy until his last breath. It's about loving someone, not for what they have to offer but who they are. It's never about blaming your significant other for not treating you like how you want to be treated, it's about how hard they try to keep you happy.
Life is too short. No one else will be permanent in this world. So love truely and forgive quickly.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Life is too short!! Forgive & Forget!!
Life is too short. So, love deeply and forgive people quickly. Try to forget the bad things that happened in your past. There comes a point when you just love someone more than anything, you tend to lose yourself when they avoids you. So, don't love anyone too much. Too much of love will hurt you so much.
The worst part in a relationship is when they find someone better than you, and they start finding reasons for breakup. And poor you, apologize them every time even if it is not your fault. Because you are true to the one who you love.
Nowadays, no one is perfect. If someone wants to leave you for any reason, then we should let them go. There is no use of asking them to stay in your life again. Better forgive the people who hurt you. But don't forget the one, who hurt you.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Thursday, November 5, 2015
" Am waiting for you,because I can't forget someone i really love"....
" Am waiting for you...hoping our past to reflect in our future"......
"Am waiting for you....because, i am all alone in your absence"....
"Am waiting for you...hoping one day you will all be mine with a beautiful smile"....
"Am waiting for you...just because i can't stop doing so..."
"Am waiting for the one day when you love me,the way i love you.....!!!,day when u think of me the way am thinking of you..!!!!,day when you want me,the way i want you...."
Sadness is that am waiting for you and hoping all these happen...
even though i know you will never come in to my life again...........
So, guys and girls Please understand one thing that....
"Just because someone is waiting for you, its not that you are elevated to a level of ignoring them or making them wait forever..."
Some people come into our life, just to teach "how to live alone without them" Also don't force someone to remember you all the time. Just you stay silent .Let them realize how will they be without you in their life. If a person loves you truly, he will never let you go or give up on you, no matter how hard the situation is.
" Am waiting for you...hoping our past to reflect in our future"......
Sadness is that am waiting for you and hoping all these happen...
Too much of love hurts!!
When you truely care for someone, their mistakes never change your feelings because it's the mind that gets angry but the heart still care for the one you love.
Also, don't love anyone too much because that too much will hurt you so much, if they leave you.
People will ask you to hold them through their darkness, and they let off your hand as soon as they find the light. This is life.
Also, sometimes you end up losing yourself, when you try to hold someone. So don't trust and care too much. Because, a slight change in their behavior will hurt you so much.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Fact about love!!
You are lucky, if you have someone who loves you more than anything in the world. Nowadays, true love is hard to find. But, you are lucky if you get someone else who loves you madly and deeply.
Also, sometimes even if you love truely, your situation sometime breakup your love. So, you should handle the situation very correctly to avoid failure.
"Love is true, but sometimes situation break the relationship "