Monday, November 23, 2015

Why is love so unfair?

Love can sometimes be unfair, just like
anything else in life. I had to go through a
multitude of different relationship until I found the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and I learned that love, like any relationship, isn't always 50/50. Sometimes we don't always know exactly what we want. Sometimes we feel like curling up in a ball and shutting out the world, whereas other times we just want to reach out and hug someone. Love is about understanding, and being there for the person you love even if
they're not giving you their whole heart in that very moment. It's part of the human
experience, and it's part of growing up.

We all need love and companion to spend life together. We always look for someone to give our hearts with an expectation that someone will never break our hearts. When our expectations are broken, our lives fall apart. This love is conditional. But real love is unconditional. The truth of life is that we
never know when someone enters in our lives and never go or someone enters in our lives to break our hearts. Those who promise more hurt more. Coincidence decides to whom you meet in life. Your heart and mind decide with whom you want to stay in life. But only destiny decides who gets to stay in your life.
If someone is unfair to you, disrespect you and your feelings, then you don't deserve that person. Just let go. You will get a person you deserve the most. Be open, considerate and move on.

Everybody has different feelings. It is obvious that sometimes our feelings don't match with others. You shouldn't count that as unfair, it is just the way it always happens. Try to find someone who loves you for who you really are, that will make you understand that actually love is fair.

Love can be wonderful, life affirming, and
enriching to all of us, but without the low
points, the high points become meaningless. Don't let the low points skew your view of

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